7 Reasons to Visit Tunisia


Tunisia is a North African country that boasts a rich history and culture, stunning landscapes, delicious cuisine, hospitable people, diverse activities, affordable prices, and easy access from Europe and other parts of the world. Tunisia's mix of Mediterranean and North African influences, along with its own unique traditions, make it a fascinating destination for travellers seeking a unique cultural experience. Whether you're interested in exploring ancient ruins, relaxing on a beach, trying new foods, or simply immersing yourself in a different way of life, Tunisia has something to offer.


Dougga Capitol at night by Issam Barhoumi

Dougga Capitol at night © by Issam Barhoumi


1- Rich history and culture

Tunisia has a fascinating history, dating back to ancient times. It was once a Roman province and has been ruled by Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Byzantines, Arabs, Spanish, Ottomans, and French, among others. All of these cultures have left their mark on Tunisia, and visitors can explore their legacy in the country's architecture, museums, and ruins.

A must-see attraction is the ancient city of Carthage, where visitors can explore the ruins of the once-powerful civilization.

Another notable destination is the Bardo Museum in Tunis, which houses an impressive collection of Roman mosaics and other artefacts.

For those interested in immersing themselves in Tunisian culture, attending a traditional music and dance performance at a cultural centre or festival is a great option.

A coffehouse in the old Medina of Tunis

A coffehouse in the old Medina of Tunis © Unknown


2- Stunning landscapes

Tunisia is a country that boasts stunning landscapes, ranging from the Mediterranean coast to the Sahara Desert. There are endless opportunities for visitors to explore the natural beauty of the country, whether it be relaxing on white sand beaches, hiking through lush forests, exploring ancient ruins, or taking a camel ride through the desert.

To fully experience the beauty of the Tunisian coast, it is recommended to choose a good hotel or guest house near the beach. Bizerte, Beja, Jandouba, Nabeul, and El Mehdia are all excellent choices for those looking to enjoy the crystal-clear Mediterranean waters.

In addition, many Tunisian cities offer breathtaking views and diverse natural surroundings. For example, the city of Kesra in Seliana Gouvernorat, sitting on the top of a mountain, is an ideal location to enjoy the surrounding beauty. Tbarka, located in the north of the country, is also a great spot to enjoy a hidden beach behind the forest. Meanwhile, Tamerza and Chebika offer a Southern flavour with their waterfalls in the desert.

To have an authentic and unique experience exploring Tunisia's landscapes, consider getting in touch with locals who can offer insider knowledge and guide you to hidden gems. There are many people who organise weekly events through social media, associations, or clubs, such as hiking, camping, or exploring the Sahara.

By engaging with locals, you can create an unforgettable experience and truly appreciate the natural beauty of Tunisia.


Ichkeul National Park in Bizerte, Tunisia © By Walid Kharrat

Ichkeul National Park in Bizerte, Tunisia © By Walid Kharrat


3- Delicious food

Tunisian cuisine is a flavorful and diverse blend of Mediterranean, North African, and Middle Eastern influences which makes it very unique and special. The cuisine is characterised by its use of aromatic spices such as cumin, coriander, and cinnamon, as well as fresh herbs like mint, parsley, and cilantro.

Meat dishes are also popular, with lamb, beef, and chicken being the most commonly consumed meats. Seafood is another popular option, with fresh catches from the Mediterranean Sea playing a significant role in the cuisine.

Tuna and eggs are two important ingredients as well, and are commonly used in a variety of dishes.

Tunisian cuisine also includes a wide variety of bread, including the famous Tunisian bread, which is characterised by its crispy crust and soft interior.

Our Must-Try Tunisian food list:

  • The Tunisian Couscous (with seafood, or Borzgane in El Kef …)
  • Mloukheya (it takes 7 hours to prepare this dish, respect!)
  • Nwasser (8 centuries old dish, it dates back to the Hafsides era)
  • Ojja (give it a try with Merguez)
  • Lablebi (the best in cold weather)
  • Es'han Tounsi (which literally means Tunisian Dish)
  • Kafteji
  • Fricassée
  • Mtabga
  • Mlewi (bread type)
  • Traditional Tunisian sweets (pick some different choices from local patisseries. We highly recommend Madame Hachicha or Al Masmoudi.)
  • Bambalouni (sweet, if you visit Sidi Bousaid then it's a must try)
  • Jwejem (small cups made of a crispy dough and filled with a variety of sweet fillings, such as chocolate, nuts, and honey, very well known in Sfax and Mehdia.)

It's also great to know that Tunisian cuisine is well-represented in many parts of the world, making it easy to savour our delicious dishes from the comfort of your own home. With so many Tunisian restaurants to choose from, you're sure to find one that offers these mouthwatering specialties, no matter where you are.


4- Affordable prices

Tunisia is a wonderful destination that won't break the bank. Compared to other countries in the Mediterranean region, Tunisia offers a budget-friendly travel experience with reasonably priced accommodation, food, and transportation.

For instance, a bus ride from Tunis to Tamerza, which covers almost 500 km, costs only 30 Tunisian Dinars or 10 USD. (See our currency convertor page to convert to other currencies)

You can enjoy a delicious meal at an average restaurant for about 10TD, while admission to the famous El Jem Colosseum costs only 10TD.

Keep in mind that prices may vary from city to city, and tourist areas tend to be more expensive. For example, a cup of coffee at Carthage Airport or the famous Café des Délices in Sidi Bou Said might cost you more than 10DT, but it could be as low as 2DT in downtown Tunis. Similarly, accommodation prices vary depending on the location and amenities available.

Overall, Tunisia is an affordable destination that offers plenty of value for budget-conscious travellers. With its unique blend of culture, history, and natural beauty, you can have an amazing experience without spending a fortune.


Tunisian style architecture

Tunisian style architecture © By Afif


5- Hospitable people

Tunisians are renowned for their friendliness and hospitality, and visitors are often greeted with open arms. Many Tunisians are fluent in multiple languages, including English, French, and Arabic, which makes communication with tourists a breeze.

However, it's worth noting that some older Tunisians, especially in non-touristy areas, may not speak English fluently. In such cases, having a translation app on hand as a backup plan can be helpful. It's a good idea for English-speaking travellers to have an app that can translate to Arabic or French to facilitate communication in case of language barriers.

Despite the occasional language barrier, Tunisians are eager to make visitors feel welcome and comfortable. So, whether you're seeking local recommendations or just a friendly conversation, don't hesitate to engage with the locals and experience their warm hospitality firsthand.


Tunis City

© Unknown


6- Diverse activities

Tunisia is a diverse and exciting destination that offers a wide range of activities for visitors to enjoy. From water sports and hiking to golf and cultural tours, there's something for everyone to experience. Moreover, the country boasts numerous world-class museums and UNESCO World Heritage sites that are well worth exploring.

Depending on which city you visit, the available activities may vary. To help visitors make the most of their trip, our website Exploring Tunisia will provide comprehensive coverage of all 24 governorates. We will offer a detailed overview of the activities available in each region, ensuring that travellers can plan their itinerary according to their interests and preferences.



Sousse © Unknown


7- Easy access

Tunisia is easily accessible from Europe and other parts of the world, with several international airports serving the country. It's also a popular destination for cruise ships, with several ports of call along the Tunisian coast.

Cap Negro in Beja

Cap Negro in Beja © Youssef Drira

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